May 1, 2012

  • Weekly Info Roundup

    Posted by Stephanie  11pm  from the apartment  Houston, TX

    Wow.  A post from Sammy and I both.  Aren’t you all lucky?!

    So, I met with Dr. Benjamin last Thursday, which is traditional before starting another round.  That way the doctor and I get a chance to discuss how the round went, if I’m ready for another, etc.  Admittedly, I was nervous going in to the appointment.  Week before last, when my immune system was still bottomed out and I was undergoing my third platelet transfusion, I seriously wondered if my counts were going to bounce back.  I knew eventually everything would head in the right direction, and it did, but I truly thought this time we had possibly pushed my immune system too far, that it was kaput, and that doing another round might not be a risk Dr. B would be willing to take.  During previous bouts on chemo, I sometimes waited four, five, even six weeks between rounds because my ANC (absolute neutrophil count—measures when my white count has truly recovered) or platelets were slow to recover, but this time was a little different.  Those previous times, my counts starting heading up on their own without much intervention, but would become stagnant or double dip back down a second time, causing the delay.  This time, it seemed my platelets just couldn’t turn around and head up.  For two solid weeks they kept plummeting, despite the boosts from transfusions.

    I shared my fears about all this with Sammy last week, before my counts started behaving, and mom echoed my concern the morning of my appointment.  What if the doctor didn’t think my body could handle another round?  What then?  I’m not usually a big worrier.  I know it doesn’t get me anywhere, but those questions kept popping into my head during the hour and a half we waited for Dr. Benjamin.  I had a book to read on my Nook, but I found myself re-reading the same page over and over because I couldn’t really absorb it.  Thankfully, as soon as the doctor walked in grinning, I immediately felt a weight lift off my shoulders.  I guess after all these years, I can tell when the news is going to be good versus bad.  After he admired and complimented my new state of ‘sans hair’, he went on to say that my labs were looking good.  White count, ANC, and hemoglobin are all still rising.  Platelets were up to 60K, rising only 6 from the previous day’s count of 54 (before that they were 44), but we weren’t quite to the three week mark, so he was happy with where they were.  However, they need to be at least 100K before we can start the next round (which was technically due to start this past Saturday), and at the rate they’re rising, it’s looking like it’ll be the middle of this week at the earliest before I would be ready to go.  That timing poses a bit of a problem.  I haven’t had the chance to talk about it much yet on the blog, but I’ve been part of a series of workshops in NYC, the most recent of which is a three-month leadership program.  When I discovered my treatment wasn’t going to allow me to travel to NYC this weekend for the culmination of the leadership program, the rest of the members of my leadership team surprised me by making plans to come down and do the weekend here in Houston!  Amazing, right?!  So anyway, I told Dr. B that I wanted to be out of the hospital when they were here, and since it looks like I couldn’t get this second round started in time to be done by the time they arrived, he decided to wait until the day they left for me to admit for round two.  When I inquired if delaying it a short time was alright, he said he thought my body could probably benefit from a few extra days of recovery time, so it all works out okay.

    No chemo till this coming weekend means mom and I have had a lot of down time around here.  Not enough to make a trip home, so instead we’ve been planning some fun stuff in the area so we’re not sitting around the apartment all day every day.  Last night, we went down to Galveston for dinner at one of my favorite places on the island, Gaido’s.  It’s a seafood restaurant.  I’m SO not a seafood person, but it’s so good here, I make an exception.  :)   After dinner, we walked the beach for a few minutes (it’s a crappy beach, really, but it’s a beach nonetheless) and then hopped in the car and headed back.  We also might see a movie this week, or go to a museum or the zoo.

    When I am at the apartment, there’s plenty to keep me busy.  I’m still working my Arbonne business, reading a lot, plus working on writing our book, and doing a children’s book drive and a Livestrong fundraiser.  A lot, I know, but I’m committed to making a difference, and I’d love YOUR help!

    For the book drive, my leadership team and I are collecting books for ages 0-21 that will be donated to children in need at local hospitals, libraries and schools.  It’s springtime, and I know many of you have books that are just collecting dust—please consider donating them to this worthy cause!  Contact me via e-mail at to arrange for pickup.  I may not be in Ohio, but I have ‘helpers’ who are there to pick up your donations, and I am in Houston if anyone around here would like to contribute.  My goal is 3000 books!

    I’m also fundraising for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.  Many of you know that Sammy has done the 100 mile Philadelphia Livestrong Bike Challenge in years past, and I committed a few months ago to join him and do the 40 mile course.  Now that I’m currently on treatment, I may not be able to physically participate in that ride, but I’m still raising money because the cause is so near and dear to my heart.  Sammy and I are involved in the local Livestrong chapter, and the information and support they provide to survivors and caregivers has been immensely helpful for myself and so many others.  Please visit my fundraising page at and consider making a donation.  THANK YOU for helping make a difference!!

    In other news, Sammy is coming down on Thursday (hooray!!) and sticking around for nearly a week.  I’m so excited to spend some time with him.  Mom will be going home for a few days during that time to take care of a few things with grandpa’s estate, and just to relax.

    Okay, so I know there’s lots more to talk about, but it’s super late, and my eyelids are drooping.  I will post again soon.  Night all.


Comments (1)

  • I can’t wait to meet SAMMY! I’ve been hearing about him since the beginning of December!!!!! Relax this week and get ready for us! I can’t wait to see you and all of my buddies this weekend! Xoxo love u, Cara

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